🌟 For students and new grads

Network your way to job offers

Instant mentorship from industry professionals.
Showcase your soft skills and get invited to interviews.

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Companies pay us to find them top talent like you

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Find out what career fits you best.

Get proven advice

Learn what works from people who have your dream job.
Get the best resources. Get insider tips on tailoring your resume and acing interviews.

Get invited to interviews

Reviews from mentors help you stand out in applications.
The more you use PathPeer, the more we showcase your profille to recruiters.

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Old way

New way

Cold LinkedIn DM or email

Instant connection via PathPeer

Long time to get responses

Quick (just choose a mentor)

Awkward to ask for referrals

We ask mentors to share referrals

Think of questions yourself

We help you create questions

Hard to manage your network

Easily keep track of mentors

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"PathPeer is a great way to get a sense of how the real world works. The things we discussed at the coffee chat would be invaluable to anyone just entering the industry!"

3rd year Computer Science

"I found PathPeer to be an amazing opportunity to connect with industry professionals who were more than happy to offer much-needed insights and advice regarding my future career choice. This platform is definitely something anyone who's passionate about their future career should look into!"

2nd year Accounting and Financial Management

"This opportunity was such a useful way to explore specific positions and industries for me. The professional was also very willing to share their experience, which helped me a lot in navigating my career path forward."

3rd year Mathematics

"[PathPeer] is a great way to learn about [a professional's] job as you get to talk with them and ask questions, which is very useful for figuring out what career you want to do. It's free, so I highly recommend that you try it out!"

1st year Mechanical Engineering

"...This experience helped me solidify my goal of becoming an Actuarial Analyst and find out the best strategies to get there. Thank you again for providing me this opportunity to connect with someone in my specific field."

2nd year Actuarial Science

"Wow, what an amazing and useful experience. I only wish I did this earlier!"

Student of Everything

"PathPeer is a great way to get a sense of how the real world works. The things we discussed at the coffee chat would be invaluable to anyone just entering the industry."

3rd year Computer Science

"I found PathPeer to be an amazing opportunity to connect with industry professionals who were more than happy to offer much-needed insights and advice regarding my future career choice. This platform is definitely something anyone who's passionate about their future career should look into!"

2nd year Accounting and Financial Management

"This opportunity was such a useful way to explore specific positions and industries for me. The professional was also very willing to share their experience, which helped me a lot in navigating my career path forward."

3rd year Mathematics

"[PathPeer] is a great way to learn about [a professional's] job as you get to talk with them and ask questions, which is very useful for figuring out what career you want to do. It's free, so I highly recommend that you try it out!"

1st year Mechanical Engineering

...This experience helped me solidify my goal of becoming an Actuarial Analyst and find out the best strategies to get there. Thank you again for providing me this opportunity to connect with someone in my specific field."

2nd year Actuarial Science

"Wow, what an amazing and useful experience. I only wish I did this earlier!"

Student of Everything

"PathPeer is a great way to get a sense of how the real world works. The things we discussed at the coffee chat would be invaluable to anyone just entering the industry."

3rd year Computer Science

"I found PathPeer to be an amazing opportunity to connect with industry professionals who were more than happy to offer much-needed insights and advice regarding my future career choice. This platform is definitely something anyone who's passionate about their future career should look into!"

2nd year Accounting and Financial Management

"This opportunity was such a useful way to explore specific positions and industries for me. The professional was also very willing to share their experience, which helped me a lot in navigating my career path forward."

3rd year Mathematics

"[PathPeer] is a great way to learn about [a professional's] job as you get to talk with them and ask questions, which is very useful for figuring out what career you want to do. It's free, so I highly recommend that you try it out!"

1st year Mechanical Engineering

"...This experience helped me solidify my goal of becoming an Actuarial Analyst and find out the best strategies to get there. Thank you again for providing me this opportunity to connect with someone in my specific field."

2nd year Actuarial Science

"Wow, what an amazing and useful experience. I only wish I did this earlier!"

Student of Everything


Since PathPeer doesn't charge students, how do you make money?

Companies pay us to help them find top talent (that's you!). If you share your mentors' positive impressions of you, companies will see them and invite you to interviews!

Do I need to prepare?

Yes! The professional is providing advice for free, so you should be respectful of their time. You can read our coffee chat guide to get ready and prepare good questions.

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Hey, I'm Dragos!
I'm the founder of PathPeer and a UWaterloo/Laurier Grad.
My story:

I was four weeks into my second internship, staring blankly at the uneventful monitors.

I thought to myself, “How am I going to climb out of this rut?”

I had accepted a job that had nothing to do with my Math/BBA degree.

It was physical security. I wanted high finance.

The idea of getting stuck in a career I hated freaked me out.

And there was no way I could tell my parents that my $50,000+ degree would go to waste.

My grades were average, and my resume lacked experience. But I had something else — hustle. I wasn't going down without a fight.

I started to reach out to dozens of people for help.

I asked every finance professional I could find a simple yet daunting question: “How do I land a job like yours?”

Their answers were mind-blowing.

“What they teach you in school often doesn't match up with what's essential in the workplace,” they said, “It’s your experience, your passion, and soft skills that truly matter.”

They opened my eyes to a world of self-crafted opportunities — Investing with paper money, leading student clubs, and reading every recommended book.

Presentation, they emphasized, was key — A resume focused on results, a cover letter full of passion, and an interview appearance that exuded confidence.

And then, the unexpected happened. They started referring me.

Bypassing the black hole of online applications, I found myself sitting across from interviewers at TD Bank, Scotiabank and other prestigious companies.

The power of networking unfolded before me — each casual coffee chat was a covert job interview, a chance to showcase my knowledge, passion, and fit for their team culture.

Despite the awkwardness and initial rejections, networking paid off. A few years later, the idea struck me. Why not streamline this grueling process?

That’s how PathPeer was born — A platform that lets you access instant mentorship from industry professionals, showcase your soft skills, and get invited to interviews.

The best part? Recruiters are onboard.

They'll see your networking efforts and positive reviews from your mentors, convincing them to invite you to interviews.

And there’s no limit to how much you can stand out. The more you network, the more interviews you’ll get.

Forget the old apply & pray routine. With PathPeer, you’re in control.

Take Anthony, for instance. He took charge and got referred to a Data Science internship at RBC through PathPeer. Now, he’s working there full time.

Remember, you're way more than what's on your resume.

Go show them who YOU are, with PathPeer.

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